OAIC Registry of Works-in-Progress

Registered Project Details

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Project Type: Externally Funded
Project Title: Empowered with Movement to Prevent Obesity & Weight Regain (EMPOWER)
Principal Investigator: Barbara Nicklas, PhD
  Other Key Investigator (1): Jack Rejeski, PhD
  Other Key Investigator (2): Mary Lyles, MD
  Other Key Investigator (3): Iris Leng, PhD
  Other Key Investigator (4): Maria Theresa Opina, MD
Project Start Date: 05/15/2016
Projected End Date: 04/30/2021
Associated Center: Wake Forest University
Associated Core(s): RC1 (Clinical Research Core)
RC3 (Integrative Biology Core)
RC4 (BioImaging Resource Core)
Brief Description: The proposed research will test an innovative, scalable, and acceptable behavioral intervention that targets this known risk factor for weight gain. We found that this intervention is feasible and well-tolerated by older adults; if proven to be effective against weight regain, it would add important scientific input for advancing treatment guidelines. We hypothesize that, in older adults, intervening on SB will be more effective for preventing weight regain than the conventional approach of intervening on exercise behavior. This is supported by evidence showing: 1) decreased SPA/increased SB is a consistent biological adaptation to weight loss and this adaptation predicts weight regain; 2) as our data suggest, reducing SB with a self-monitoring intervention enhances weight loss and may prevent weight regain; 3) interventions targeting increased exercise are less tolerated and sustained over time in older, obese adults who may be more likely to adhere to a SB intervention; 4) initiation of exercise in older adults can lead to compensatory increases in SB, thus reducing total energy expenditure and limiting its efficacy for preventing weight regain; and 5) compensatory eating occurs in many individuals who exercise though the effects of altering SB on appetite and energy intake are not known.
Project Keywords: Physical Function
Human Subjects
Obesity/Weight Loss

Registered By: Abby Archer
Registered On: 08/15/2016
Project Status: Active